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Over The Hills We Go - SUs - OPEN

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Over The Hills We Go - SUs - OPEN

#72175 Posted on 2016-10-16 06:00:05


You have lived in the amazing Grey Valley you call home for as long as you can remember. Grey Valley is a wonderful places. It has always given plenty of prey for the pack, even in winter. It has always kept you hidden and protected from other vicious packs or loners. So it was obvious why you and your pack wanted to stay there, and had lived there for so long.

But then the Higher Animals came, killing some of the pack, chasing off others that they didn't capture to make their own slave of sorts. You got away unscathed, and hurriedly you found what was left of the pack.

The pack had decided it was best to start moving to find a new home, or even temporary shelter for the time being. It was the middle of winter, snow stung your paw pads and made your eyes water. But the pack started moving, none of them, you included, willing to take the chance of coexisting with the Higher Animals.

You and the pack have been traveling for some time now.but the winter season is far from over. Some pack members have died, most pups, elders, or heavily expecting mothers. Others are thriving in the spark of adventure, mostly the adolescents and younger adults. Some have fallen ill and can barley travel on their own paws.

Will you make it? Will you and the pack find something as good as Grey Valley, and quick enough to save what is left of the pack?

(Higher Animals = Humans, you are a wolf if you couldn't tell.)

The pack alpha was taken by the Higher Animals against his will, the Beta killed by them. So you are all working together to make big decisions and such. Ranks you will decide when you find a permanent home and are healed and better as a pack.


➔ Please please please be literate and detailed. 3+ sentences per character per post. You will received one warning, before you will be kicked from the roleplay.
....a.While I expect everyone to be detailed, descriptive, literate, etc, I don't want to read about gore and everything. That is unneeded.
➔ Please be active. I understand we all have lives, and aren't roleplay robots who sit at a computer all day, but please try to post at least once a day, and if you know you won't be online to post for a few days, please forewarn me.
....a. If you are gone for a long period of time without an explanation you will be kicked.
➔ I love original, unique characters that are unlike anyone else's. I understand there is lots of people who think similarly when it comes to creating characters, I have encountered that problem before, but I don't want a bunch of Jane Does and Billy Bobs running around in the roleplay.
....a. That means unique names, no Thunder, Rose, Sarah, etc. And please stay away from human names.
➔ You do not have to make even genders, you don't even have to make two characters. But please don't make five males and no females or vise versa.
....a. You may not be mates or crushes with your own characters.
➔ No wolf should have a tragic backstory or come from a different pack, by half dog, etc. This is a pure, isolated pack.
➔ Have fun!
➔ By signing up you agree to these rules. If you break one you receive a warning. Breaking one or more rules twice will get you kicked from the roleplay depending on severity of the rules broken.

(delete all in parenthesis please!)

(something unique please. No Thunder or Rose! Be original!)
Nickname; (only if the name is long or hard to spell. Have it be similar to the name)
Age; (please make them over 10 months old and younger than 10 years.)
Sex; (male or female)
(be descriptive, 3+ sentences here please)
Scars; (not all wolves will have them, and only the older ones should)
Oddities; (please VERY LIMITED amount of wolves will have these. Some type of coloration oddity, or maybe blind in one eye or something like that)
Personality; (every character has flaws. be unique. No kind, caring, respectful, etc. GIVE THEM FLAWS)
Mate; (don't be mates with your own character)
Crush; (don't be crushes with your own character)
Kin; (family. please don't make all or even most of your characters related)
Pups; (please no nursing pups to begin the RP)
History; (optional. no wolf should have an history of battle or major misery. don't make up history for the entire pack.)
Other Info; (just put other things about your wolf here. optional)

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#72957 Posted on 2016-10-22 18:17:46

Name; Irmazinha (er-muh-zeen-ah; little sister)
Nickname; Zinha (Zeena)
Age; 1yr. old
Sex; Female
Description: Zinha peers into your soul with dark, chocolatey brown eyes, which are framed with dark lashes. Her long fur is soft and rustles at the slightest breeze. The color is a dark tan base, with a light tan stomach. Most of her back is black, with white and brown splashed in(PM me for a pic lol). She is small in build and height. Her tail is long and full.
Scars; Practically none. She has a small scar on her paw pad, thanks to a large thorn.
Personality; Zinha is very shy. She doesn't speak up very often. If placed in a dangerous place, she will first flee. Bravery is something she obtains little of, and when it is displayed... well, it hasn't been displayed yet. Though she is compassionate, she doesn't act upon it. Certain wolves are put on her"I-despise-you" list, and don't come off it. Many don't know much about her, but if any get close enough to her they can read her eyes like an open book. For those that she is extremely close to (like her brother and future mate, if she gets a mate), she is playful and loves a good laugh.
Mate; None
Crush; TBD
Kin; Looking for someone to play her brother. I plan on having them be close. PM me.
Pups; none
History; n/a
Other Info; n/a
Questions/Comments/Concerns; Great idea! Love it!

Last edited on 2016-10-24 at 13:31:55 by Oswin

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#72971 Posted on 2016-10-22 19:49:31

Oswin, could you change her name? I asked in the rules that we stay away from human names. Also could you give her more realistic ation? Wolves dont really have white markings, and i dont think they really come in blue-grey colors. And i hate to be picky, but she has a very "perfect" personality, with no true flaws.

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#72989 Posted on 2016-10-23 05:09:11


Name; Saffron
Nickname; None
Age; 4 years and 2 months
Sex; Female
Description; Saffron has light amber colored orbs that seem to draw others in like sticky honey. Her pelt color is different shades of grey mixed throughout her soft thick fur, the colors ranging from dark grays to light grays. She has a rather thick build to her and an average height to her. Her tail is different shades of grey and is long but fluffy. Her fur and coat tend to rustle some in the wind.
Scars; N/A
Oddities; N/A
Personality; Saffron is talkative to all the wolves in the pack because she considers them her family that she can depend on. Mostly she can be nice but can turn bitter in the blink of an eye if it comes to defending the pack or if someone picks on a pup. She does have her flaws though she turns anxious when she thinks about her pups she is expecting. Another flaw is Saffron being impatient when it comes to the pack making decisions. Another is she is picky when it comes to food because of the cravings she gets because of her pregnancy.
Mate; Argon (Deceased)
Crush; TBD
Kin; Looking for a rper for her brother pm me
Pups; She is expecting pups she is in the middle of her pregnancy
History; N/A
Other Info; N/A
Questions/Comments/Concerns: Im excited for this rp!

Last edited on 2016-10-23 at 06:59:25 by Daphne101

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#72994 Posted on 2016-10-23 06:31:24

Daphne, she can be 3 expecting yes.

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#72997 Posted on 2016-10-23 06:58:58

Agapi, thank you

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