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The Reunion -sign ups-

#28591 Posted on 2016-04-08 20:45:21

You get a call from your old high school friend requesting you to visit them, in hopes to reconnect with not only you, but other old high school friends. Will you survive the few months with old friends or remember why you never kept in touch with some of them?


So I was bored and came up with this human rp. I don't know how many of y'all are interested, but I wanted to at least through the idea out there and see how it goes.

- Follow Equiverse rules
- No controlling other characters besides your own
- No outside drama and don't take anything within the rp too seriously
- Please be descriptive. I'm not asking for a novel, but I would like a bit of length if possible. :)
- Please keep all characters diverse and unique. Everyone likes a fresh character to interact with
- All humans/animals/creatures are indeed flawed so lets keep things realistic

Forum The more detailed the better
Name (Full)-
Age (They are outside of high school so maybe around the college age)-
Life after high school (When you got out of high school and into the real world before you got that call from your friend)-
Any special relationships? (Did your character use to be best friends with another character (permission from the character's creator), Did your character have a hidden crush on another character, did your character use to be in a relationship and it ended badly (permission from the character's creator) ect)-

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#28651 Posted on 2016-04-09 03:33:30

Name (Full)-Hazel Greene Highland
Gender- Female
Age (They are outside of high school so maybe around the college age)- 19
Personality- Sweet, bubbly, friendly, outgoing, holds grudges if you crossed om her bad side, then she is also very smart when it comes to college.
Description- Hazel is 5'9 with tan skin and dark blonde hair. She has hazel eyes hence the name Hazel. Hazel often wears scrubs or a lab coat since she's going to school to become a Veterinarian. Often times she forgets she wearing those and always has her stethoscope around her neck often forgetting that as well. Wears blue shoes.
Life after high school (When you got out of high school and into the real world before you got that call from your friend)- Hazel left her home and hopped into a Vet program at a university and is a first year student there. Often working hard she kept her same car and saved up enough money to get a pretty Husky dog that she has in her apartment with her at school. Hazel often times feels like she needs a break from her college life.
Any special relationships? (Did your character use to be best friends with another character (permission from the character's creator), Did your character have a hidden crush on another character, did your character use to be in a relationship and it ended badly (permission from the character's creator) ect)- Mine was best friends, Liked someone
Other- This is exciting :)

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#28784 Posted on 2016-04-09 13:01:30

Name (Full)- Roman Numaro
Gender- Male
Age- 21
Stereotype- Back in the days, he was the big class clown in class. He threw wild parties whenever possible, and even spiked the punch at dances when no one was watching.
Personality- Roman is loud and obnoxious most of the time, but life after high school has straightened him up just a little bit. He pretty much tried to know everyone in the high school days, and attempted to be some sort of friend.
Description- Roman is about six feet tall, and has put on some muscle since graduating. He works out every day, and does his best to keep fit. His auburn hair reaches just a little bit past the top of his forehead, and his shaved short on the sides, marine style. His skin is smoothly tanned, and his eyes are a friendly hazel color. He's always wearing some worn out sneakers along with loose pants, and a tight t-shirt.
Life after high school- He was working in the army, and was out on deployment but the call was right before he was boarding a plane to head home.
Any special relationships?- Just a bunch of friends he hung out with as much as possible.

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#28808 Posted on 2016-04-09 14:01:52

Daphne- accepted!

Palaye Royale- accepted!

I'll do my characters in a bit.

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#29075 Posted on 2016-04-10 04:42:46

Thank you for accepting

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#31236 Posted on 2016-04-15 17:32:28

Name (Full)- Haley McConaty
Gender- Female
Age- 22
Stereotype- Was the reserved, nerdy girl who preferred reading to sports.
Personality- Haley is still quiet, but became more open to others when she left high school. She is witty, optimistic, but can sometimes be a little rude at times. She loves learning new things, and likes to spend her weekends trying out new DIY crafts.
Description- Haley is short, slender, and has a tan complexion. She has a bright smile, dimples, dark brown eyes, and she wears stylish kate spade glasses. Her hair is a dark blonde color, and is shoulder-length. She usually wears sundresses when it's warm, or jeans and sweaters when it's cold.
Life after high school- Haley's smartness paid off, and she applied to several colleges, but chose Notre Dame. She is still completing her final year, and is becoming a paramedic. She is engaged to a young man, who is 23, named Eric Waters, who works at at new technology company. They met in college and immediately fell in love. They live in a small apartment in South Bend, with their new Italian Greyhound, Trey.
Any special relationships?- Liked Roman Numero in high school, but never worked up the courage to tell him.
Other- Fun :)

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#32636 Posted on 2016-04-20 18:40:04

im really excited for this rp

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#33004 Posted on 2016-04-22 08:19:42

Name (Full): Lucy Hatherwen
Gender: Female
Age: 21 years old
Stereotype: She was seen as shy and sweet, who never spoke her mind.
Personality: Unlike what she was in High School, she is now slightly bolder, and more outspoken, and even going so far as socialise often and bring forth her ideas and opinions when in conversations with friends. Though she still holds that shyness when around strangers and can often be treated as a doormat to many.
Description: She stands around 5'4 in height and weighs 52 kilo's, wearing size 8 to 10 clothes. She isn't the most curvy with slight stick-like figure and pale complexion. As well as dark brown hair in a plat that reaches her middle back with matching dark brown eyes. She usually wears coloured clothes which consist of knee-length to floor-length tights, skinny jeans, singlets, dress tops, skirts, t-shirts, tops, dresses and slip on shoes.
Life after high school: After finishing school with good scores, she took up a quick Vet Nurse Training course at the age of 18 in Collage until finishing up two years later and starting out in an actual Vet Clinic. She lives in an apartment that allows animals, so she owns two female cats, one named Whiskey (A ginger tabby) and Angle (A deaf white cat).
Any special relationships?: She was never really social at school and only hung out with friends that long left her after school, though had crushes here and there.
Other: Because of a accident in a car when she was 19, she had gotten cut over her right eye that has now left a slightly hidden scar and left her completely blind in that eye.

Last edited on 2016-04-23 at 23:57:20 by Western Outback Stables

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#33348 Posted on 2016-04-23 11:12:04

Name (Full)- James Andrew Sawyer
Gender- Male
Age - 20
Stereotype- Jock, football player
Personality- Outgoing, humorous, and competitive in high school. Slightly more serious in college, and more focussed on his future.
Description- Dark wavy brown hair, currently in a short crew cut. Light blue eyes, sun tanned fair skin. Height 5 feet 10 inches, with a trim and muscular build.
Life after high school-Joined the navy straight out of high school. Was deployed to Japan and Korea, before being honorably discharged two years later. Now back at his home town, he has enrolled in college with the hopes of becoming an EMT or firefighter. Received the call on his second day back.
Any special relationships? - Had several friends on the football team, and got along well with most of the other students. Dated a couple of girls and had a crush on a few others. Has one hostile relationship with a dude from high school (other player willing).

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