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Seal Brown TWH

ForumsEquiverse Chat → Seal Brown TWH

Seal Brown TWH

#270152 Posted on 2023-08-23 16:04:57

I have a seal brown TWH and he is invisible. He is the only one of this color in the breed. Anyone know if the art will be updated? I plan to breed for more of this color.

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#270155 Posted on 2023-08-23 17:16:02

I got my answer. Thank you!

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#270160 Posted on 2023-08-24 04:38:16

If you do breed him the At gene will not be passed on, there is a script that fixes inaccurate genotypes. 

From a 2017 newspost:

Genotype Auto-Fixing
I have introduced a new system which will try to detect any horses which acquired a gene that they're not technically allowed to have on Equiverse (naturally, what horses are allowed in real life is up for debate most of the time). When horses are bred from now on, a check will be run on the sire and dam's genotype to make sure that they have a valid genotype. That means it will check to see if a) a genotype exists, and b) there are no genes which are incorrect (e.g. "Ata" in Welsh Ponies).

If there is an anomaly, the breeding script will try to fix the parents' genotypes before allowing a foal to be bred. It will try to match as closely as possible, so "Ata" would be changed to "Aa" as opposed to "AA" or "aa".

Please be aware of this - for example, it can happen when someone else breeds a mare to your stud. If your stud has an incorrect genotype, it will be fixed when he is bred to.

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