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🏳️‍🌈 The LGBTQ+ Association Halloween Bash 🎃

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🏳️‍🌈 The LGBTQ+ Association Halloween Bash 🎃

#249029 Posted on 2021-10-20 13:15:32

E V E N1:
Trick-or-Treat EVD Raffle
   - one grand prize of 150k EVD + a lot of horse treats + a horse of yours becoming the November mascot for the club, unlimited additional prizes of 1 EVD + less horse treats
   - each comment (including those for the other events below) automatically counts as a ticket (you may only comment once), and at the end of this event everyone who posted will receive a small prize of 1 EVD and a horse treat or two ("trick"); the one big winner will be chosen randomly and will receive the grand prize ("treat")

E V E N2:
Creepy Jar Guessing Game

   - two separate grand prizes of 50k and a Black Cat decoration
   - to play, simply leave two individual guesses for the amount of candy and seeds that you think are in this jar (drawing not to scale - do not actually try and count them in the picture), and at the end I will reveal who guessed the correct or closest number(s); winner for candy gets EVD prize and winner for seeds gets decoration prize
   - CANDY amount is between 1 and 50, SEED amount is between 1 and 250

E V E N3:
Halloween Storytime Art Giveaway
   - one grand prize of a character doodle
   - to enter, post a short story about your favorite Halloween-related (or just fall-related if you don't celebrate) memory and at the end of this event whoever's story I liked best will win a doodle of one of their equine characters

END DATE: October 29th

Last edited on 2021-10-20 at 13:19:28 by 🦇 Raptor 🎃

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#249031 Posted on 2021-10-20 13:37:00

Oooooh fun fun! o:

For the guessing game, I'll guess 37 for the candy and 111 for the seeds

I might edit my post (if that's okay) with the short story! My memory isn't great so I'm going to have to go digging through my brain xD

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#249043 Posted on 2021-10-20 18:44:34

jar guesses: 
candy: 22
seeds: 222

halloween-related memory:
picture this: a bunch of little kids gathered in a circle. what is normally a cheery pre-k classroom with bright chairs and the alphabet in big letters on the wall is now covered in halloween decor. the children are huddled together as if around a campfire and are telling scary stories to the best of their ability. perhaps their tales should have been about taxes, and tests, and growing old and moving on, but they are, what, four? so when one little kid pipes up to weave a story for the others to hear, it's about something far less sinister. they reach for the flashlight being passed around the circle and hold it under their chin, and then their story begins.*
"the classroom is dark and it seems as if there is a chill breeze setting everyone's hair on end and putting them on edge. a heavy knock sounds at the door. mrs. bitty seems to walk in slow motion, and she opens the door only a crack large enough to peer through and see who might be on the other side. in the blink of an eye, the door slams shut, and mrs. bitty is gone! a ripple of unease sweeps through the remaining occupants of the room. but business goes on as usual, with the teacher's aid picking up the lesson where mrs. bitty left off. not five minutes later, however, another heavy knock on the door. miss abet crosses the carpet and she, too, opens the door only an inch to talk to whoever may be standing on the other side. bang! the door is shut, miss abet is gone, and the room is silent. with no teachers and no clue, the children grow afraid and gather together. and as the minutes tick by, the knock comes again and again, and the children one by one answer the door just as their teachers had done before. and like their teachers, they disappear, stolen away by whatever it is that had come. finally, only one child is left, and when the banging comes again to the door, they creep slowly over and shakily reach up to the handle to yank the heavy thing open. the child has accepted their fate, and when they come eye to eye with a massive monster they are too afraid to do anything. the monster grabs them up and carries them away, and as the monster walks the child's senses return and they kick and scream and do their best to escape. all for naught. the monster is unphased. they walk through the long corridors and down a creaky set of stairs into a dimly lit basement. the monster flicks on the lights and - oh! there are the classmates, and miss abet, and mrs. bitty. seated happily at a table, enjoying bowls of ice cream. the monster leads the last child to a seat, and sets them a bowl, and scoops them some of the sweet dessert. and everyone lived happily ever after."
the end. 

*the story was, of course, not told word-for-word like this. the child is four, after all. but this is how the story was imagined in the child's mind.

((names changed))

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#249146 Posted on 2021-10-25 12:41:30

I’ll guess 41 for the candy and 170 for the seeds!

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#249152 Posted on 2021-10-25 14:44:45

jar guesses:
9 for candy and 202 for seeds.

short story:
Three kids went to this haunted house for an event. Their names were Ben, Daniel and Mike. These boys were told by an old man that they had to stay in this haunted house for 24 hours and if they ended up staying the whole time, they would achieve $10,000. If not, they would not be able to leave either way as the haunted house would "trap" them in. The boys laughed it off because of course, who would believe that? They ended up walking in, looking in all of the rooms. They were all pretty dusty, had spiders in them, the house has never been entered in so long. Mike went to the bathroom and you could hear the floors creaking, children mumbling, etc. Nobody else was in there besides the three boys. Mike came out of the bathroom and by the time they all got settled in, it was about 9pm. They went to sleep. It was not 24hrs yet so Daniel and Ben decided to go explore more of the house. They came across a little boys room. The little boys room looked oddly familiar to Ben. This was the only room in the whole house that looked like it had been recently used. It was cleaned up, sheets looked nice in the crib. Mike entered the room as well. The three boys started hearing crying in the same room. They went to go look over in the crib and no child was there. All of a sudden, you could hear someone run throughout the house.. The boys turned around and noticed Mike was gone. "Where could Mike have gone?" Ben asked. "That's really strange, he was just here" Daniel said. The boys heard someone scream. They ran for the door, trying to open it and it was locked. All of a sudden, another boy went missing. It was Daniel. Mike was the last one left. He ran for the windows, trying to get out but the windows immediately slammed shut. Mike heard the baby now laughing... All of a sudden, someone or something ran right after him, he then disappeared.

No wonder they raised the prize to $10,000.. they knew no one would be getting out alive.

Last edited on 2021-10-25 at 14:47:26 by Spooks

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#249156 Posted on 2021-10-25 15:05:01

just for clarification the story was meant to be about "your favorite Halloween-related memory" but because there have only been 2 story entries fiction is now permitted

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#249185 Posted on 2021-10-26 07:36:40

not sure if it was apparent(? idk words) but mine is a memory :] 

Last edited on 2021-10-26 at 07:37:14 by 🕯️oswin🦴

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#249197 Posted on 2021-10-26 11:25:34

yeah I know

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#249274 Posted on 2021-10-30 11:55:34

this had to end a day later than planned due to the site issues, apologies

Trick-or-Treat EVD Raffle: .corvus.
Creepy Jar Guessing Game: candy (46) = Saditome | seeds (127) = .corvus.
Halloween Storytime Art Giveaway: oswin

Thanks for playing!

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