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Only The Strong Survive

#179513 Posted on 2018-07-19 00:05:41

Both accepted :D

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#179829 Posted on 2018-07-20 19:03:44

Full Name: Auberon Petrik Simmons 
Nickname: ha, thats cute baker boy, texas, cowboy, aub, auburn, buck, coma dude... aub is most common
Age: 18?
Gender: male
Physical Appearance: brownish-red hair, blueish-gray eyes, muscular, but not too muscular (sorta medium fit- but very strong at the same time), tan, but light medium tan skin. He has a "tattoo" on his neck that looks sorta like a stick figure of a Pheonix, but it's very unnoticeable, and isn't actually a tattoo at all.
Family (Any still alive?): Uncle- Alive, Aunt- Alive, Adopted Sister- Alive and nobody knows about his biological father
Skills: Particularly good with his knife, Chicken Slayer. Pretty good with a pistol
Personality: bakerboyloveseverythinggggg Auberon is a sensitive, kindhearted (adult now) kid that enjoys baking, medical feild stuff, and checkers. He has a slight anger issue, of which can get out of hand easily if not treated, but appart from that he cant hurt a fly unless that fly was goung to hurt someone he loved first
Before the apocalypse, what was your job: uhm... student? Idk he was in gang a lot and at a camp being weird
Experience: uh... gangs? And other fighting monsters and occasionally defending himself against his girlfriend
Backstory: caught up in gangs at twelve, got out of them when he went to camp on July 4th, turning seventeen. Texan, raised on a ranch
Would you be okay if your character randomly died: ha, nope not til he's married and has kids sorry
Other: zombies

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#180174 Posted on 2018-07-21 22:29:27

Accepted LOL

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#180920 Posted on 2018-07-26 19:22:34

Full Name: Charity Simmons
Nickname: none
Age: 14
Gender: female
Physical Appearance: Charity has medium length, stright brown hair, dark hazel eyes, and a medium skin tone. She's about 5'4" in height
Family (Any still alive?): Mom, Dad, still alive but in Texas so...
Skills: she can shoot a gun pretty dang well. And ride pretty nicely too
Personality: Charity has a very sweet and kind personality, but over the year of being led to believe Auberon was dead, she kinda went numb and more tough
Before the apocalypse, what was your job: student
Experience: she's a cowgirl... that's about it
Backstory: Charity was adopted by Auberon's Aunt and Uncle, making them logically cousins, but bc Auberon was accepted more of a son then nephew, they're actually more brother and sister. She grew up on her Uncle's ranch, until her Uncle sent her away to boarding school in Washington
Would you be okay if your character randomly died: uh... no... not ranfomly at least...
Other: zombies

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#181076 Posted on 2018-07-27 20:41:20

Accepted :)

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#181911 Posted on 2018-07-31 22:46:07

Full Name: Rayden Carpenter
Nickname: Ray or Aden
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Physical Appearance: 6'1", dark brown hair, darker skin tone, hazel eyes, muscular (but kinda in an unnoticeable way?) cute, I will add that
Family (Any still alive?): Nope, he's the last of his kind
Skills: Making potions... or what he calls potions. He can handle a gun but he hates fighting
Personality: Aden's a bit of a goof, but at the same time overly serious. He's more of a "suck it up you're fine" type person, with more guts than brains half of the time. He LOVES to prank and steal
Before the apocalypse, what was your job: He's a homeless kid so he doesn't really have a job. He helps Auberon though, so that's kinda a job
Experience: Uhm.... I mean being homeless he has a lot of experience with being alone
Backstory: Aden's dad was a known person in the gang world, but Aden decided not to follow in those footsteps, deciding instead to roam about
Would you be okay if your character randomly died: Probably not...
Other: zombies

Last edited on 2018-08-01 at 00:16:06 by Rainy Days Stable

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#182121 Posted on 2018-08-01 21:42:35

Accepted. :P

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#186348 Posted on 2018-08-24 17:49:44

Full Name: Ahanu Begay

Nickname: "A" by his old school friends

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Physical Appearance: Ahanu has roots in the natives of his country, the Native Americans. The tribal blood running in his veins is so mixed that his family didn't try to keep track of them all. His skin is a tanned tone all year round, darkening in the summertime. His cheekbones are high, his face wide, his forehead angled backward. His eyebrows are thick and dark, matching the crop of black hair atop his head that swoops down to his shoulders. He typically keeps his hair loosely in a hair tie. His shoulders are broad, the muscles underneath his skin well-toned. Ahanu stands at roughly 5'11". Deep brown eyes.

Family (Any still alive?): None alive

Skills: General wildlife survival skills

Personality: Can be somewhat quiet when you first meet him, but quickly warms up [varies depending on the person]. A bookworm. Likes the "occasional" taste of danger and adrenaline. Thoughtful. Doesn't really like conflict. 

Before the apocalypse, what was your job: Student

Experience: A good shot with guns thanks to his father

Backstory: This kiddo doesn't really have that traumatic of a backstory [now that's new]. He grew up in the outskirts of Seattle, his parents some of the first to become zombies in the apocalypse. He barely escaped.

Would you be okay if your character randomly died: With my permission, sure

Other: new character who dis; also zombies are pretty dangerous i guess

Last edited on 2018-08-25 at 20:45:18 by Oswin

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#187873 Posted on 2018-09-01 16:51:34

Full Name: Pistol Blayton
Nickname: Pistol
Age: 17
Gender: male
Physical Appearance: 6’4, dark blonde crew cut hair. Blue eyes. Pretty tanned. 
Family (Any still alive?): Outlaw, his twin sister
Skills: good with a gun, knife, bow and arrow. 
Personality: rather like his sister, cept a bit more on the reckless, open side, not as wary of others. 
Before the apocalypse, what was your job: tracking down his sister
Backstory: N/A
Would you be okay if your character randomly died: nope
Other: zombies are weird. XD

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#198123 Posted on 2019-01-01 06:59:45

All people are accepted. From now on, no need for permission

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#204594 Posted on 2019-06-09 18:55:14

is it too late or can a straggler (me) still join?

I'm just going to fill one out and see what happens. (saw the last time you were active lol kinda don't wanna wait 6 months)


Honestly going to play as myself and just change a couple things (last

Full Name: Vanessa Thornton
Nickname: Sessa, curly fry, shortstack, V...the list goes on
Age: 16
Gender: female
Physical Appearance: 5'3", dark longish curly hair, hazel eyes, not super muscular but pretty toned.
Family (Any still alive?): does a doggo (Stormy, a doberman) and a horse (Hawke) count? cause that's it, at least as far as she knows
Skills: riding, archery, animal training, climbing trees
Personality: Tries to be more chill than she feels. Tries to get along with everyone but if you make that too challenging of a task, you'll get back what you dish out, and not always in the most mature way. Over empathizes a lot and is kinda sensitive. Tries to see both sides of arguments (that she's not involved in) and be as much of a peacemaker as she can be. Often has expectations set too high. Tries to be funny, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Strong Christian, pretty firm in beliefs. Likes talking about stuff she figures out that probably doesn't interest anyone else. If it helps, meyer's briggs is ENFJ-T but pretty close to being an ENFP-T and Enneagram is 9.
Before the apocalypse, what was your job: Highschool student, just finished sophomore year
Experience: not much. A pretty good shot with a pistol and a bow. Hasn't even been hunting though.
Backstory: When the zombies first showed up, she was on the way to the barn with her mom and her mom's dog Stormy. There was a wreck in front of them and zombies started climbing over the wreckage and heading towards their stopped car. Her mom told her to get out and run to the barn (now only a couple hundred feet away) to grab Hawke if she could while she and the other adults tried to save the people involved in the crash (her mom had her pistol in the glove compartment). She was obviously reluctant to leave her mom behind, but her mom insisted and practically shoved he out of the car. Running out towards the barn she saw that the zombies had not yet seen those big juicy horses and she sprinted the rest of the way to what she considered safety. Hawke was in his stall pacing, frightened by the sounds of the crash and the people screaming. She grabbed his halter and a lead rope, recognizing that in his frantic state it was more of a risk to try and tack him up. Tying the leadrope around as makeshift reins she scrambled onto his back and headed for the woods. Hearing barking, she paused and realized that it had suddenly become almost silent. No people screaming, no gun shots, nothing, just Stormy barking at her and whining. She turned Hawke around and saw a multitude of zombies, more than there had been before, ambling along the street. All of the cars were abandoned. She looked at Stormy, shocked as what was really going on finally started to sink in. Suddenly, Stormy's hackles were raised and she started growling. Turning, she saw a zombie walking from behind the barn towards her. Unarmed, she frantically looked around, and settled on a pitchfork. Nudging Hawke forward into a canter she grabbed the pitchfork and impaled the zombie through the torso, cringing at the sickening sound of flesh being pierced. To her utter shock, this didn't slow the zombie much at all. Whistling at Stormy, she kicked Hawke into a gallop and raced away from the barn and into the woods..........
Would you be okay if your character randomly died: um not randomly but with my permission yeah
Other: zombies

Last edited on 2019-06-10 at 09:53:16 by Sessa4hawke

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#204618 Posted on 2019-06-10 12:10:34

The founder of this RP hasn't been on since January, but I'd say they'd probably let you join. They were always pretty lenient.
Uhh some info you may want or need is that we decided it was later 2017 in the RP, maybe like fall? Don't remember the exact month/season we decided but it's 2017 and later in the year. Yea that's all I got lol.

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#204619 Posted on 2019-06-10 12:23:14

Ok thanks so much!

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